How Much Is a 1946 Canadian Penny worth? (+Value Chart)

Last Updated on August 29, 2022

Canadian pennies may not be as valuable as American pennies, but they do have some worth.

A 1946 Canadian penny has a value of $0.35 to $10 per piece.

The exact worth depends on the coin and its features, such as the grading.

If you want to know more about the 1946 Canadian penny value, this post will help you.

So let’s dive into the specifics of this coin’s worth.

How Much Is 1946 Canadian Penny Value Worth?

The average value of a 1946 Canadian penny ranges from $0.35 to $10. This figure may rise significantly above this range if you have a rare coin.

The starting price for a penny in good condition is $0.35. This value may rise to $0.5 if the penny is in extremely fine condition and comes under the uncirculated category.

The maximum average worth of a 1946 Canadian penny is $10. The higher value is mainly for graded coins. If the grading is higher, your penny’s worth will also be greater.

Condition Average Value
Circulated $0.10
Good $0.35
Extremely Fine $0.50

How Much Is 1946 Canadian One-Cent Penny Worth?

A 1946 Canadian one-cent penny has the face value of $0.1 in circulated condition. This means the coin may luck luster due to wear and tear.

It may also have dents or scuff marks because circulated pennies are used for everyday transactions. The value will increase to $0.35 per piece in good condition.

Meanwhile, the maximum worth of this coin is $0.5 in an extremely fine state. These prices are mainly for the uncirculated types.

An uncirculated Canadian penny has not been used in everyday transactions. So you can rely on that its high quality and luster will attract some collectors.

You may also be able to earn more by selling the penny at an auction.

How Much Is 1946 Canadian King George Penny Worth?

The 1946 Canadian King George VI penny is the most valuable of all the 1946 pennies. This is because of the high quality of the coin and its luster.

The value of this penny is $1.09 in circulated condition. Meanwhile, the worth will rise to $10.50 per piece.

This value is mainly for an uncirculated coin of extremely fine quality. The color of the penny will be reddish brown.

How Are 1946 Canadian Pennies Graded?

The 1946 Canadian pennies may come in graded versions under the uncirculated type. This grading starts from VF 20 to MS 65 conditions.

The VF stands for very fine. A very fine coin may have little dent marks that are not highly visible.

Meanwhile, MS represents mint state conditions. Such a 1946 Canadian penny will not be damaged in any way.

Typically, you will get the most money for your MS 65 penny than your VF 20 1946 Canadian penny. The rarest grade is MS 70, which can make the coin worth a few hundred dollars.

What Makes A 1946 Canadian Penny Rare?

The top feature that makes the Canadian penny rare is its grading. Very fine and extremely fine coins are more common and have lower worth.

Mint state pennies are rarer and more valuable. Another thing that makes a 1946 Canadian penny rare is the error on the coin.

This may be a shoulder fold error or the chipped die mistake. An error in the penny’s date is also significant. 

Here are the details of the various mistakes:

Shoulder Fold Error

The shoulder fold error may give a folded appearance on the portrait from one of the corners.

This mistake is less noticeable and adds to the value significantly. Such a penny may be worth more than $20 per piece.

Chipped Die Error

A chipped die error is a unique error on the 1946 penny that affects the coin’s appearance from the bottom.

The letter E in the term cent may be filled with the die. This gives the penny a chipped appearance and makes it more valuable.

Error In The Date

The final error is the date error that may be present on one of the sides of the penny.

A mistake may be present in the year of the coin. The number may also be chipped or faded in some pennies.

How Do I Know If My 1946 Canadian Penny Is Worth Any Money?

The best way to know if your penny is valuable is by getting it appraised by a dealer. You may also use the earlier errors to identify whether your coin is rare or not. 

You can also check the composition of your coin by comparing it with the original color. Once you know your penny’s worth, you can sell it at an auction to earn the most.

Jackie Palmer is a Houston-based coin journalist and fashion enthusiast. She joined Jewels Advisor’s content team after years of experience as a content strategist, managing blogs and social channels for local stores. Jackie mostly collects and studies US coins produced during the 20th century and over the years, published hundreds of articles for multiple coin publications.