Last Updated on July 4, 2022
If you’re just getting started with the Curly Girl Method, you’ll probably need to invest in a lot of new curl-friendly goods, so everything on this page is reasonably priced! The exception is the blowdryer alternatives, which range in price from $10 to $15.
Curly Girl Method Approved Products
I’ve rounded up some tried-and-true curly girl suggested goods to get you started.
1.Deep Conditioner
You should probably use this 1-2 times each week at first. You’ll probably be able to cut back as you get more familiar with the Curly Girl Method. However, if your hair is drier, you may find that more frequent deep conditioning is beneficial.
Whether you’re using a leave-in conditioner or not, follow the manufacturer’s instructions to prevent over-moisturizing your hair.
To remove any grime or product buildup from your scalp, you’ll co-wash it.
If you want to try out some conditioners that are intended to be co-washed, there are a few on the market that you may examine. However, an inexpensive lightweight conditioner should suffice.
3.Rinse Out
If you co-wash your hair and it gets enough moisture, use the same product for your rinse out. If you have thicker, more damaged, or curlier hair, try something a bit more moisturizing.
When you’re just getting started, I strongly advise investing in an inexpensive conditioner. At this time, your hair is more dehydrated than usual; as a result, you’ll probably require a lot of conditioner each shower.
4.Leave In
I suppose it’s true that a small bit of your rinse out conditioner as a leave-in at the beginning would work. This usually enough moisture and saves you money.
However, if you find that your rinse out is too thick or that determining the appropriate amount to leave in is difficult, a designed leave-in conditioner may be an excellent solution.
The Curly Girl Method does not include a cream component, but many curly girls do find the additional moisture and definition useful, especially in the beginning when their hair is recovering from dryness or damage.
The product known as Gel is one of the most essential Curly Girl Method tools. It’s also a major styling tool.
Gel is what will keep your hair moist as it dries and result in beautiful curls that stay put all day. Your hair’s texture and degree of damage will determine how much hold you require.
You’ll need a lot of a hard-hold gel at first. But you’ll have to experiment with amounts to determine what works best for you.
7.Blow Dryer
The Curly Girl Method requires that you dry your hair naturally if possible, but this isn’t always an option for everyone. Plus, you’ll almost certainly receive more volume if you dry it with a blow dryer.
If you already have a hairdryer and are planning to go this route, make sure it has a diffuser! This will assist you in keeping your curls in place while you try your hair, which reduces frizz.
8.Cloth for Drying
To dry your hair, douse it with a t-shirt instead of a towel. Towels remove a lot of moisture from the hair, which is why we don’t want it.
Instead, to get rid of the excess water, use a t-shirt. If you aren’t a fan of the towel-free lifestyle, you may consider buying a microfiber towel instead.
9.Detangling Tool
The curly girl technique requires detaching your hair in the shower, which is an important first step. This might be accomplished with your fingers, but some individuals prefer using a tool.
I’d recommend starting with your fingertips, but if you’re curious about a comb, you can get a wide-tooth one for pretty cheap.
What Exactly Is the Curly Girl Method?
The Curly Girl Method, which was developed by hairstylist and curl expert Lorraine Massey, who wrote the book Curly Girl: The Handbook, is a step-by-step guide to obtaining amazing hair with (and avoiding!) specific goods and styling methods.
Does Your Hair Get Curlier With the Curly Girl Method?
The way you style your hair will have a significant impact on how curly it appears. It all depends on your natural hair type and texture.
Is your hair naturally straight or straight with some waves? No, the Curly Girl Method will not make it curl any more.
The goal of CGM is to help you achieve your hair goals—namely, more healthy, fuller, and better-defined hair—which implies you need a specific wave or curl pattern to begin with.