How Did The Seven Deadly Sins Get Their Tattoos?

Last Updated on February 24, 2022

The seven deadly sins are a popular topic in tattoos. But how did they get their tattoos? And what do they mean?

In this blog post, we will explore the meaning behind the seven deadly sins tattoos and discuss how each one got their ink. Stay tuned for some interesting stories!


How did the seven deadly sins get their tattoos?

Each of the seven deadly sins has a unique story behind how they got their tattoos. Here are some examples:

Lust – One popular legend about lust and tattoos is that sailors would ink pictures of naked women onto their backs to ensure they were aroused enough to have sex while at sea.

Gluttony – It’s believed that gluttons got their tattoos by eating so much food they became obese and had no choice but to get inked on their bodies (or die).

Greed – In one instance, a greedy man was said “hiding his money under the skin” on his body, so he got a tattoo of bags of money.

Sloth – One theory about how sloths got their tattoos is that they were lazy and didn’t want to go through the pain of getting a real one. So instead, they would get drunk and have someone else ink them while they were passed out.

Wrath – In the Old Testament book of Isaiah, God tells his people to “put on your shoes” so they can walk over fiery coals without being burned. Some believe that this is how wrath got its tattoo because it represents walking through hell without feeling pain (which would represent anger).

Envy – Envious people are said to have gotten their tattoos because they wanted what others had.

Pride – Pride got its tattoo when it was too proud to admit that the other sins were better than him, so he took on all seven of them for himself!

What are the seven deadly sins?

The seven deadly sins are a list of behaviors that, according to Christianity, lead people into temptation and sin. They include: lust (desire), gluttony (overeating), and greed (craving material possessions). Sloth is laziness; wrath refers to anger or revenge; envy means coveting what others have; pride involves thinking too highly of oneself.

What do the seven deadly sins mean?

The meaning behind each sin’s tattoo can vary depending on who you ask. But, generally speaking, the seven deadly sins tattoos represent a person’s journey from temptation to sin. They are reminders of the dangers that come with giving into these vices.

Should people get the tattoos of the deadly sins?

Yes! The tattoos of the seven deadly sins can be a great way to show off your love for Christianity and remind yourself about what not to do. It’s also a fun conversation starter when meeting new people at parties or social events!

How to care for the tattoos of the seven deadly sins?

Tattoos are like any other form of art, so they need to be cared for properly in order to last longer than just a few years. Here are some tips on how to make sure your ink stays fresh:

Keep it moisturized with lotion or petroleum jelly.

Wash off any excess dirt and grime after a long day at work/school by washing them gently in warm water then patting dry before applying more lotion. Be careful not to scrub too hard because this will damage the ink!

Avoid exposing them to the sun for long periods of time – this will cause the colors to fade over time.

If you decide to get a seven deadly sins tattoo, be sure to take care of it properly so that it lasts a lifetime!

What does Meliodas tattoo mean?

Meliodas is the Dragon Sin of Wrath, and his tattoo represents this. He has seven tattoos on his body that represent each sin: Lust (red), Gluttony (green), and Greed (yellow). Envy (blue) Pride as well as Sloth are not shown but would be represented by orange and white respectively if they were present.

What does Diane tattoo mean?

Diane is the Serpent Sin of Envy and has a serpentine green dragon tattoo on her back. This represents jealousy towards others as well as her desire for power; she wants what other people have but doesn’t want to work hard enough to get it herself!

Ban Tattoo

Ban has a tattoo of the word “Justice” on his chest. This is fitting because as the Sin of Wrath, he desires revenge against those who have done wrong. The lettering is in a unique style that resembles flames, which represents how angry and passionate Ban is about seeking justice.

King Tattoo

The King has a tattoo of the word “Truth” on his left forearm. This is fitting because as the Sin of Sloth, he desires knowledge about everything around him but doesn’t want to do any work himself!

Jackie Palmer is a Houston-based coin journalist and fashion enthusiast. She joined Jewels Advisor’s content team after years of experience as a content strategist, managing blogs and social channels for local stores. Jackie mostly collects and studies US coins produced during the 20th century and over the years, published hundreds of articles for multiple coin publications.