How Much Is A 1996 Penny Worth? (Full Guide)

Last Updated on October 2, 2022

Known as the Washington Memorial penny, the 1996 penny is one of the special pennies belonging to the US mintage.

Over 12 billion pennies were minted this year, in P, D and S configurations.

If you are looking to learn more about the 1996 penny and its potential value, read on!


How Much Is A 1996 Penny Worth?

The 1996 penny that has no mintmark on it and D mintmarks is valued equal to its face value in every condition.

However, in uncirculated conditions with MS65, the penny is worth around $0.5 for both variants of the penny. 

The 1996 penny with S mintmark produced in San Francisco was made only as proof coins. Therefore, each proof coin of the 1996 penny is worth around $6.

Here is a full value table for you to assess the pricing of your coin:

Coin Good Very Good/Fine Extremely fine MS60 MS65 Proof Coins
1996 P Penny $0.5 $0.5 $0.5 $0.5 $0.5 N/A
1996 S Penny $0.5 $0.5 $0.5 $0.5 $0.5 $6
1996 D Penny $0.5 $0.5 $0.5 $0.5 $0.5 N/A

Why Is There No Mintmark On The 1996 Penny?

There is a mintmark on the 1996 penny present on the obverse side. If you don’t see the mintmark on the penny that you have, then it is a sign that the penny was produced in Philadelphia Mint.

Otherwise, the 1996 pennies produced in Denver and San Francisco have their mintmark present. You will see the mintmark on the obverse side, right next to the portrait of Abraham Lincoln. Make sure to look closely, and you will see D or S mintmark. 

What Is The Metal Composition of 1996 Penny?

The metal composition of the 1996 penny is 97.5% zinc and 2.5% copper. This composition was changed after 1982. Before that, the pennies had less copper in them.

The metal composition tells you a lot about the coin. It is important to know it so you can understand the coin better.

It represents the material the penny is made up of. Due to the rising prices of metals and resources, it wasn’t feasible for the government to use the same composition. 

What Is On The Obverse Side of The 1996 Penny?

The 1990s pennies have always had a picture of Abraham Lincoln and this year’s penny wasn’t any different. However the president’s portrait was slightly different than the pennies from the previous years.

Other than that all features were same like that on the 1995 penny. There was In God We Trust written on top of the portrait while Liberty and 1996 was written on left and right side of the portrait respectively. 

What Is On The Reverse Side of 1996 Penny?

There is an engraving of the Lincoln Memorial on the back side of the 1996 Penny. “One Cent” is also mentioned on the back side of the coin. 

Where Is the Mintmark Present on the 1996 Penny?

When present, the mintmark can be seen on the obverse side of the penny. You will find the mintmark closely under where the year is engraved. The mintmark will be either a D or an S. 

If you are looking for the mintmark, make sure to hold it close, and you will see the mintmark. But if the mintmark is not present, then the coin is produced in the mint of Philadelphia.  

Is It Worth Investing in 1996 Penny?

The 1996 penny is one of the recent coins of the previous century. The penny was minted in millions of coins, which is why there aren’t valuable enough now.

It is easier to find them and get your hands on them. However, as it becomes difficult to find the best quality coins, the value of these coins will see a spike. 

It is always worth investing in old coins, especially if you find them in uncirculated condition. You will see by yourself how the value will increase over time. 

The old coin is such an investment that requires you to be patient and hold it for a good time. If you don’t hold it for a good amount of time, you aren’t going to make much of a profit for yourself. 

Jackie Palmer is a Houston-based coin journalist and fashion enthusiast. She joined Jewels Advisor’s content team after years of experience as a content strategist, managing blogs and social channels for local stores. Jackie mostly collects and studies US coins produced during the 20th century and over the years, published hundreds of articles for multiple coin publications.