Can Amethyst Go in Water? My Honest, Tested Answer (2022)

Last Updated on December 29, 2023

Whether you’re completely new to crystal, gem, stone, and mineral collecting or a seasoned collector, you might be wondering: Can amethyst—the beautiful violet-colored piece of quartz in your collection—go in water?

To answer your question: Yes, it Amethyst can go in water.

This is actually one of the first questions I found myself asking when I started collecting primarily because, after discovering my first piece of amethyst on a hike, my intention was to bring it home, thoroughly clean it, and place it on my windowsill for display.

I’m grateful that I did a bit of research prior to washing that piece of amethyst, though, as I came across some insightful tips and tricks when it comes to rinsing amethyst in water, as well as some alternative reasons that you might be interested in putting amethyst in water. If you are curious about all the ins and outs of putting your own amethyst in water, then read on!


What Happens when You put Amethyst in Water?

The answer to this question is dependent upon a number of factors: How long you are putting the amethyst in water, the type of water, the temperature of the water, and the other chemicals present within the water.

How Long can Amethyst go in Water?

According to the Mohs Hardness Scale—a scale used to help identify a mineral’s level of hardness or softness—amethyst is a 7 meaning that it is leaning into the harder side of minerals. The harder the mineral, the more likely it can handle sitting in water without becoming damaged. Note that this is only a general—not strict—guideline.

It is best practice to avoid placing softer minerals in the 1-5 range in water for extended periods of time because it could potentially damage the mineral. For instance, iron—which is a 4.5 on the Mohs Hardness Scale—should not be submerged in water for long amounts of time because it can rust.

However, since amethyst is a 7, it is typically fine to rinse or submerge it in water for longer periods of time.

What Types of Water can Amethyst go in?

Amethyst is least likely to become damaged in tap or filtered water.

Saltwater—on the other hand—could actually end up damaging amethyst.

This is not to say that you can’t put your amethyst in a body of saltwater, but if you do decide to submerge your amethyst in, say, the ocean, then try to rinse out the leftover salt using tap or filtered water soon afterward.

What Water Temperature can Amethyst go in?

In order to avoid cracking amethyst, it is beneficial to rinse or submerge it in room temperature or slightly warm water. As with many minerals, a rapid temperature change could crack amethyst.

Can Amethyst React with Other Chemicals in Water?

Although amethyst may not necessarily react with other chemicals when put in water, it is best to avoid using heavy chemicals or solutions—like vinegar or hydrogen peroxide—in combination with water when cleaning amethyst as it could potentially affect its surface quality.

If you’re going to wash your amethyst, it is typically best to stick with the old faithful: Soap and warm water.

What are the Benefits of putting Amethyst in Water?

In addition to the fact that rinsing off amethyst helps keep the quartz looking sparkly clean, rinsing or submerging amethyst in water also produces and releases its energetic properties.

This is why some people choose to submerge their amethyst in the ocean: It is believed to energize amethyst.

If you’re looking to absorb some of that energy from your amethyst, you could also place it near—or directly in—your bathtub when taking a bath to help relieve stress and induce calmness in the mind and body.

Of course, if you are going to try taking a bath with your amethyst, you may wish to skip out on some of the other products typically used during baths such as bath salts, scented bubble-bath products, shampoos, and conditioners.

Yes: It might initially seem strange to use amethyst as a source of energy. Nonetheless, I’d highly recommend trying it out, even if this means keeping your amethyst out of the water for now and simply placing it on your desk at work, your nightstand, or in the kitchen to give off those calming vibes when you’re making your morning cup of coffee or tea!

Eran Hayo is the Chief Editor of Jewels Advisor, with over 5 years of experience in the fields of jewelry and memorabilia. He built Jewels Advisor to serve one main purpose – to teach you everything he knows about jewelry, and help you make better-informed decisions when buying diamonds and engagement rings online. His work has been cited on famous publications such as The Sun, MSN and WikiHow.