Last Updated on December 29, 2023
Whether that piece of obsidian in your collection is black—the most common color for obsidian—or a more rare variety of blue, red, orange, or mahogany, the same basic guidelines apply when it comes to getting it get.
Obsidian can, in fact, get wet.
Putting obsidian in water is probably the simplest way to cleanse and recharge it, but there are some special considerations to keep in mind while doing so.
I’ve had the same piece of black obsidian in my collections for years, and I’m happy to say that it is looking just as beautiful and shiny now as the day I purchased it, and I do get my black obsidian wet! So, if you’re interested in learning just how I’ve managed to keep my black obsidian in peak condition while putting it in water, then read further.
Can Obsidian Get Wet?
Yes: Obsidian can get wet.
Obsidian sits at about a 5.5 on the Mohs Hardness Scale—the scale used for determining a mineral’s hardness or softness—meaning that it is not water soluble.
However, just because obsidian is technically safe to get wet, doesn’t mean that you should just go and place it in any old water bath and leave it there for extended periods of time. No: As with most crystals, gems, stones, and minerals, there are special considerations to take into account when cleansing obsidian with water.
When cleansing your obsidian, you need to take the water temperature and length of time spent in water into account.
How to Cleanse Obsidian
To cleanse your obsidian, ensure that you are running lukewarm water from the tap rather than ice cold or boiling hot water. It is necessary to avoid rinsing obsidian in hot and cold water because it breaks apart quite easily in extreme temperatures. Obsidian also has a very stretchable surface, so using a scrub brush or toothbrush to clean its surface is out of the question.
When it comes to the length of time obsidian should spend in water, a quick cleanse is always preferred over a water bath since water can actually damage obsidian—and pretty much all crystals, stones, gems, and minerals—over time.
Your obsidian is not going to dissolve if you leave it in a water bath for a few hours, but it becomes more and more vulnerable to damage when it spends long periods of time in water on a frequent basis.
If you prefer to avoid getting your obsidian wet altogether, there are—of course—many alternative methods for cleansing and recharging it including placing it in sunlight or moonlight, letting it sit on top of a bed of salt, leaves, or herbs, or even placing it in rice.
Can Obsidian Go in Salt?
As noted in the section above, it is absolutely fine to place obsidian on a bed of dry salt to cleanse it and recharge its energy.
Saltwater is somewhat of a different story, though.
Although some sources may indicate otherwise, it is typically a good idea to keep obsidian out of saltwater primarily because—when you put any stone, crystal, gem, or mineral in saltwater—there is always the chance that salt may get wedged within its cracks and crevices. This eventually widens the cracks and crevices forcing the obsidian to break apart.
Since obsidian is already fragile and easily breakable, it is best to avoid doing anything that might make it even more apt to break apart such as putting it in saltwater.
What is Obsidian Used for?
If you have a piece of obsidian in your collection, you might already be aware of its origins: Obsidian is often a result of volcanic eruptions and forms alongside flowing lava.
Knowing this piece of information, what type of energetic properties do you think obsidian contains?
Well, it should be no surprise that obsidian is often used as a source of safety, protection, and grounding. Obsidian literally goes through the fire and flames in order to exist, so it is no wonder that it is associated with these highly protective properties.
Obsidian can also be used as a tool to ward off negative energy, as well as a way to connect and align the user’s mind and body. In other words, obsidian really just keeps us rooted and grounded during difficult times.
A simple way to benefit from obsidian’s energetic properties is to wear it around your neck or wrist in the form of a necklace or bracelet, respectively.