Can Rhodonite Go in Water? My Honest, Tested Answer

Last Updated on December 29, 2023

If you’re wondering whether or not rhodonite can go in water, the simple answer is this: Yes, rhodonite can go in water, but it is recommended that you do so sparingly.

As a seasoned collector, I’ve discovered that—and this is true of most hard crystals, stones, gems, and minerals—it is perfectly fine to put rhodonite in water on occasion as long as it’s not left in water overnight or for a long period of time.

In fact, giving your rhodonite the occasional cleanse helps it maintain its vibrant pink, grey, and black colors while also recharging its energy.

Of course, there are a few precautions that you may want to take when putting your rhodonite in water. If you are interested in learning more about the specifics of putting rhodonite in water—the benefits, the drawbacks, the purpose—then you’re in the right place!


Can Rhodonite Go in Water?

Rhodonite is considered water-safe so, yes, it can go in water.

On the Mohs Hardness Scale, rhodonite sits between 5.5 and 6.5. It is best practice to avoid placing any stone, gem, crystal, or mineral lower than a 5 in water as it could be water soluble. Theoretically speaking, since rhodonite is higher than a 5, nothing detrimental should happen to it when it is placed in water.

It is worth noting, however, that rhodonite often contains traces of iron, magnesium, and calcium. Iron tends to rust when it comes into contact with oxygen and water, which is why it is recommended that rhodonite go in water for only short amounts of time rather than sitting in a water bath overnight.

How Often Can Rhodonite Go in Water?

If you choose to rinse your rhodonite in water, it might be beneficial to limit rinsing your rhodonite with water to only twice a month, if possible.

The preferred temperature for rinsing rhodonite is lukewarm or room temperature water as extreme temperatures might cause rhodonite to crack or break. This is especially true if you are moving rhodonite from boiling hot water to ice cold water, so be cautious.

After you finish rinsing your rhodonite in water, ensure that you wipe it dry with a soft cloth to prevent any traces of iron from rusting. Using a cloth to dry off your rhodonite also helps decrease the chance of excess water sinking into preexisting cracks or gaps on its surface.

Can Rhodonite Go in Saltwater?

It is not recommended that rhodonite go in saltwater.

Regular water molecules could already damage your rhodonite by sinking into cracks and gaps, but saltwater is even worse for this. When saltwater dries, it leaves a residue that eventually works its ways into cracks and gaps, which could cause rhodonite to break apart.

Can Rhodonite Go in Drinking Water?

There are several crystals, stones, gems, and minerals that are safe to put in drinking water.

However, rhodonite is not one of them. Since rhodonite often contains traces of manganese and silicon—which are dangerous when consumed in excessive amounts—it is suggested that you not put it in your drinking water.

You may be wondering why people might put rhodonite in drinking water in the first place. Well, people typically do this as a way to energize themselves and absorb the properties associated with rhodonite: Self-love, self-healing, and personal strength.

You can still use rhodonite as a source of self-love, self-healing, and strength without putting it in your drinking water. Instead, you might place it around your home, your workspace, or even wear a piece of jewelry that has rhodonite in it.

Can You Wash Rhodonite?

Yes, you can wash your rhodonite.

If you are choosing to wash your rhodonite, you can simply hold it under running water for a moment or two to rid it of dirt, grime, and negative energy.

In addition to water, you might also choose to wash your rhodonite using soap. If this is the case, it is wise to choose a soap with minimal ingredients, organic or natural ingredients, and no harsh chemicals.

There are also some alternative methods to wash or cleanse your rhodonite including placing it in sunlight for a short period of time, gently polishing it, or using a soft brush to rid it of any dust or grime. The brush must be soft to prevent scratching and other damage.

Washing rhodonite helps keep it in peak condition, as long as the right methods are used.

Eran Hayo is the Chief Editor of Jewels Advisor, with over 5 years of experience in the fields of jewelry and memorabilia. He built Jewels Advisor to serve one main purpose – to teach you everything he knows about jewelry, and help you make better-informed decisions when buying diamonds and engagement rings online. His work has been cited on famous publications such as The Sun, MSN and WikiHow.