How Much is a 1945 Half Dollar Worth?

Last Updated on August 15, 2022

The 1945 half dollar, also known as the Walking Liberty half dollar, is quite popular amongst coin enthusiasts and collectors. It’s a prominent part of the development of US coinage history as it succeeded the Barber half dollar that was widely used before.    

There are three different variations to the coin. Here’s all you need to know about their worth. 

1940-1945 U.S. Walking Liberty Silver Half Dollar Coin Half Dollar About Uncirculated Condition

How Much is a 1945 Half Dollar Worth?

The 1945 half dollar in good condition is valued at $13. The better the quality of the half dollar, the higher it’s valued. For instance, a 1945 half dollar in a fine condition holds a value of $16, whereas the same would hold a value of $18 if the condition is extra fine.

An uncirculated 1945 half dollar holds a value of $20, with no mint marks. This changes when the half dollar holds S and D mint marks. The uncirculated half dollar with an S mint mark is valued at $24, whereas one with a D mint mark is valued at $20. 

The value of the coin is also dependent on its grade. A Walking Liberty half dollar with MS 60 and MS 65 grades are valued at $39 and $55, respectively. 

1945 Half Dollar Value
Year Quality
Good Fine Extra Fine Uncirculated
1945 $13 $16 $18 $20
1945 S $13 $16 $18 $24
1945 D $13 $16 $18 $20


History of the 1945 Half Dollar

1940-1945 U.S. Walking Liberty Silver Half Dollar Coin Half Dollar About Uncirculated Condition

The Walking Liberty coins were minted at three different locations, including Denver, San Francisco, and Philadelphia. The 1947 half dollar is an essential part of the Walking Liberty silver coins and holds great value till date. 

These fifty-cent coins were produced to substitute the previously used ones, the Barber half dollars. The designing and details were put to place by the sculptor Adolf Weinman that shows the Liberty walking, hence the name. 

The designer’s initials can be seen on the coin, along with the mint marks (if there are any). These unique coins have been minted approximately 51.6 million times including with mint marks. 

Different Types of the 1945 Half Dollar

There are three different types of the 1945 half dollar. One is without the mint marks, and the other two have the S and D mint marks. Here are the differences between them. 

The 1945 Half Dollar

The 1945 half dollar has been minted about 31.5 million times and holds a value between $13 to $20, depending on its condition and whether it’s been uncirculated. However, it’s quite a task to find these coins in great condition.

These coins were minted in Philadelphia and don’t have any mint marks on them, unlike the others. But they do have the designer’s initials are engraved on the backside of the coin, on the wing of the eagle. 

The 1945 S Half Dollar

The 1945 S half dollar was minted in San Francisco. The S essentially reflects the location of where it was printed. These fifty-cent coins were minted about 10,156,000 times and, unlike the others, hold a higher value today. 

The mint mark on this coin is quite prominent as you see the S at the back of the coin under the eagle and the tree. It might not seem like a huge difference, but this little detail changes the value of the coin drastically. These coins value up to $41, if they’re available in mint condition.  

The 1945 D Half Dollar

The 1945 D half dollar was minted in Denver, as you might have guessed by now. The D denotes the location. This too has an engraved D at the back of the coin under the eagle and tree. However, these coins have a lower value than the S mint mark ones.

 The D mint mark coins were minted about 9,966,800 times and generally hold a value between $13 and $20. However, if collectors can find this in an uncirculated condition, they’re willing to pay up to $150 for it. 

Why is it Called the Walking Liberty Half Dollar?

The 1945 half dollars are also known as the Walking Liberty half dollars because of the design of Liberty itself. The designer sculpted Liberty as if she were walking while holding branches in one of her hands. The second you see the coin you’ll understand how apt the name is for it. 

Is eBay a Good Source to Buy the 1945 Half Dollar?

1945 No Mint Mark Half Dollar Seller Good

When it comes to purchasing antique and rare items, eBay proves to be a great option. However, you need to be vigilant when making decisions about purchasing valuable items online as you don’t know about the seller. So, be cautious when making a deal at all times. 

Jackie Palmer is a Houston-based coin journalist and fashion enthusiast. She joined Jewels Advisor’s content team after years of experience as a content strategist, managing blogs and social channels for local stores. Jackie mostly collects and studies US coins produced during the 20th century and over the years, published hundreds of articles for multiple coin publications.