How Much Is a 1952 Half Dollar worth? (+Value Chart)

Last Updated on August 29, 2022

The 1952 half dollar is a famous coin because it has two varieties.

This currency is worth $11 to $12,400 due to high demand by collectors.

The exact price of a coin depends on its features.

If you want to learn more about how much is 1952 half dollar worth, you’re in the right place.

Here is a complete value guide to help you.

1952 D Franklin Half Dollar $.50 Brilliant Uncirculated

How Much Is 1952 Half Dollar Worth?

The 1952 half dollar is worth $11 to $12,400. It has a relatively higher starting price because the coin contains silver. So the metal’s melting value adds to its face value.

A 1952 half dollar without a mint mark has a value of $13 per piece in fine state. This increases to $15 if the condition is excellent with no external damage.

Uncirculated 1952 half dollars are worth more than $50 with a specific grading.

The value of a 1952 half dollar can go as high as $3,000 to $12,400 at an auction. This price is mainly for coins with high grading or proof status.

Condition Average Price
Circulated $11
Fine  $13
Extremely Fine $15
Uncirculated Graded Coin $14 to $12,400

How Much Is 1952 Carver Half Dollar Worth?

The 1952 Carver half dollar is one of the types of this currency because it has a portrait of George Washing Carver and Booker T. This coin has a worth of $15 per piece in an uncirculated condition.

This figure will rise to about $168 if the coin has MS 60 or MS 65 grading. The value is also mainly for S or D minted 1952 Washington Carver half dollars.

The coin is relatively less common than the Ben Franklin half dollar. So you will not encounter many options on the market.

Collectors also mainly seek the other half dollar due to the higher value and potential to earn more money.

Condition Average Price
Circulated $11
Fine  $12
Extremely Fine $15
Uncirculated Graded Coin $30 to $168

How Much Is 1952 Ben Franklin Half Dollar Worth?

1952 Franklin Half Dollar AU About Uncirculated 90% Silver 50c US Coin

The 1952 Ben Franklin half dollar is worth $11 to $12,400. This coin has the least value in circulated conditions because of the used quality.

The price rises to $12 in an extremely fine state. Meanwhile, you can get $75 to $256 if the half dollar has MS 65 or PR 65 grading.

These values are coins without a mint mark. This means their production site must be in Philadelphia.

Rare Ben Franklin half dollars have sold for as high as $10,000 at auctions. So you can make a fortune easily by understanding the category of your coin.

Condition Average Price
Circulated $11
Fine  $11
Extremely Fine $12
Uncirculated Graded Coin $75 to $12,400

How Much Is 1952 D Half Dollar Worth?

The 1952 D half dollar is primarily rare in the Ben Franklin variety. Its worth is $12 in extremely fine condition and $14 in MS 60 version.

However, this grading is relatively rare. A 1952 half dollar’s grading mainly starts from MS 63 at auctions and ends at MS 67.

The value for such a coin varies from $27 per piece to $12,400 per coin. The Carver variety in the D version is mainly sold for $30 to $168.

You can decide the exact price by understanding your coin’s quality.

Condition Average Price
Circulated $11
Fine  $11
Extremely Fine $12
Uncirculated Graded Coin $14 to $12,400

How Much Is 1952 S Half Dollar Worth?

The 1952 S half dollar is a more popular type because of the San Francisco production. Its starting value is the same as other 1952 half dollars.

You will get $11 for a good piece and $16 for an extremely fine coin. This figure will rise to $50 to $12,600 in uncirculated conditions with MS 63 to MS 67 grading.

The higher the grade, the better your coin’s value will be. It is also suitable to sell uncirculated coins because they don’t have dents.

Condition Average Price
Circulated $11
Fine  $13
Extremely Fine $16
Uncirculated Graded Coin $50 to $12,600

Looking for the value of other coins from 1952? Read more of our guides:

What Is The Value Of Graded 1952 Half Dollar?

1952 Franklin Half Dollar AU About Uncirculated 90% Silver 50c US Coin

The graded 1952 half dollars are the most valuable because of the higher demand. This coin is worth the average price of $14 to $16 in MS 60 condition.

The figure rises to $27 to $50 in MS 63 state, depending on the mint mark.

You will get the most money for your MS 67 1952 half dollar. The penny is worth $11,200 to $12,600 in this state.

Grading 1952 S Half Dollar 1952 D Half Dollar
MS 60 $50 $14
MS 63 $50 $27
MS 65 $1,500 to 1,900 $100 to $122
MS 66 $1,880 to $2,800 $550 to $650
MS 67 $11,200 to $12,600 $11,200 to $12,400


Jackie Palmer is a Houston-based coin journalist and fashion enthusiast. She joined Jewels Advisor’s content team after years of experience as a content strategist, managing blogs and social channels for local stores. Jackie mostly collects and studies US coins produced during the 20th century and over the years, published hundreds of articles for multiple coin publications.