How Much Is Aquamarine Worth?

Aquamarine is a rare gemstone, which is why it also has a high value. It can also be cut into many shapes, such as ovals, rounds, and many others. The worth of this gemstone is high as it will cost you more than $500 per carat. If you want to purchase a rare gemstone, you … Read more

How Much Is An Agate Worth?

Agate is an incredibly abundant rock because it can be found almost anywhere on our planet. However, there are some agate stones that will have a higher value than others. That is because the worth of agate depends on color, location, type, and more. If you want to know the value of agate in detail, … Read more

How Much Is Amethyst Worth?

Amethyst is one of the most affordable gemstones you can find. The gemstone has a beautiful purple color and is used in jewelry. The price of amethyst can vary between $20 and $30 per carat. Of course, the value also depends on the quality of the amethyst you are investing in. So, if you want … Read more

How Much Is Amber Worth?

Amber jewelry gained incredible popularity back when Jurassic Park came out. However, recently, the demand for this gemstone has not been that high. Still, amber can range anywhere between $200 and $40,000 and above, depending on the quality. If you want to get your hands on this gemstone, you have come to the right place. … Read more

How Much Is Alexandrite Worth?

Alexandrite is a popular gemstone that is known for providing the most remarkable color changes. For example, it will look red in incandescent light and green in the sunlight. The gemstone is also incredibly rare, which is why the worth of this gemstone can be more than a few thousand dollars. If you want to … Read more

How Much Is Albite Worth?

Albite is one of the top gemstones that is used to manufacture ceramics and glass. However, it is important as a rock-forming mineral. It is usually found with other minerals, and the worth depends on the quality of the rock-forming mineral. So, if you want to understand the value of albite, you have come to … Read more

How Much Is Afghanite Worth?

As the name suggests, Afghanite is named after the country Afghanistan where the stone was discovered. The stone forms blue crystals that range from light shades to aquamarine blue. The worth of an Afghanite stone is high because of its scarcity, which is why it is ideal for collectors. If you want to add Afghanite … Read more

How Much is Adamite Worth?

Adamite occurs in many regions and localities. However, it is rarely cut as a gem. That is because adamite is too soft and delicate for jewelry use, which is why the worth is not that high. Most collectors that keep adamite only do it for the intense fluorescence that you will find in this stone. … Read more

How Much Is Actinolite Worth?

Actinolite is a gemstone that contains various amounts of magnesium and iron. The gemstone is easy to cleave but challenging to cut. That is why it makes a poor stone for jewelry purposes, which is why the worth is not too high. If you want to understand the worth of Actinolite, you are in the … Read more

How Much Is A Ruby Worth?

Ruby is one of the most beautiful gemstones with its incredible red color. Many people opt for this gemstone on their jewelry, as it gives off a regal look. However, the worth of the ruby will depend on the color, clarity, cut, and carat weight. If you want to invest in this gemstone, you are … Read more