How Much Is 1941 Penny Worth?

A 1941 penny may look similar to the Lincoln coin and have you thinking that it is a valuable penny. The worth of this coin is $0.15 to $40, depending on the type. If you want to know more about the 1941 penny, you’re in the right place. Here is a detailed guide to help … Read more

How Much Is 1940 Nickel Worth?

After 1938, the design of nickels was changed. The buffalo nickels were not in production anymore and Jefferson nickels were introduced. There were many major changes in this nickel. Therefore, here is a complete to help you with everything that you want to know about the 1940 nickel.  How Much Is 1940 Nickel Worth? The … Read more

How Much Is 1939 Dime Worth?

There is no doubt about the 1939 dime being one of the most valuable dimes of the 20th century. Many collectors like to have the 1939 dime in their collection. It is the best coin to invest and collect for the long run and with time the value appreciates.  If you are thinking about that … Read more

How Much Is A 1948 Penny Worth?

The 1948 penny is also known as the 1948 wheat penny. It is made from copper, tin, and zinc, and comes in various mintmarks. You will find one with no mintmark, S mintmark, and D mintmark.  If you want to get your hands on these coins and understand their worth, you are in the right … Read more

How Much Is A 1949 Penny Worth? (Full Value)

The 1949 penny is one of the first pennies that include a President in the portrait. That is one of the reasons why it is such a fantastic coin for you to collect. It is also known as the wheat penny and it includes 95% copper and 5% zinc and tin.  If you want to … Read more

How Much Is A 1946 Penny Worth?

One of the most must-have coins for a collector is a rare penny. Their face value isn’t much, but they are highly prized if they are old and rare. The 1946 wheat penny is one of the most beloved.  If you want to know more about it, you are in the right place. Here is … Read more

How Much Is 1944 Penny Worth?

The 1944 penny is a valuable coin that can help you earn a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars. This coin’s value is $0.10 to $500,000 on the market. You may have a rare 1944 penny without knowing about it. So here is a guide to help you understand the value of this … Read more

How Much Is 1943 Penny Worth?

A 1943 penny is a coin that many collectors seek because it has a steel composition instead of the standard copper construction. This penny is worth $0.10 to $590,000, depending on the type. So you can easily become rich if you have a rare 1943 penny. Here is everything you need to know about this … Read more

How Much Is 1936 Penny Worth?

You may have heard about the Lincoln Wheat Penny, as they have great historical value and importance in the US coin collection industry. The 1936 wheat pennies in particular are known for many things other than their value. But do they have a good value in the market compared to other pennies from similar years? … Read more

How Much is A 1948 Nickel Worth?

You will find three types of 1948 nickels, as they were produced in three unique mint facilities. These include Philadelphia, Denver, and San Francisco. The Philadelphia nickel will have no mintmark, the Denver nickel will have a D mintmark and the San Francisco nickel will have an S mintmark.  If you want to know the … Read more